> Human beings are creatures of habit, making it difficult for us to adapt to new environments. We are always looking for routines and what is familiar to us, so change brings uncertainty, unease and nervousness.

> One of those moments occurs when we decide to change our job and prepare to face new challenges, in another company, with new colleagues. If we want this moment to be an opportunity to develop our professional career, we should face it with an attitude comprising the following ingredients:

> Adaptation. The place we have arrived at may be different from the one we came from. Different does not mean bad; but will be that way if we are not able to challenge our built-in preconceptions.

Humility. Much of the information a company has is produced informally and has been accumulated by people who have been there for a long time. Let's not try to know everything right away.

> Surveying. The best way not to get lost when you arrive at a place on a field trip is to know where the most important landmarks are. Even if we know the formal structure of the company, we should also be aware of the people who have authority, even if they do not have formal power.

> Applying our Talent. When we have been hired for our talent, after a tough selection process, we may spoil everything by not knowing how to put it into practice.

Socialization. People get the best out of others when they know the circumstances in which they work, and that means knowing people well.

Generosity. As happens in any sports team, - even if you are a star - locker rooms are occupied by very good professionals who want to see their position respected. Let's be generous, knowing that they will do the same with us when it is our turn.

> It is better be accountable and to ask for forgiveness than to avoid responsibility when things go wrong. Inexperience, lack of knowledge and haste lead us to make mistakes. It is healthy to ask for forgiveness before trying to justify ourselves.

Last but not least, listen a lot and speak little. We are masters of our silence and slaves of our words, especially if we do not fully master the situation. 


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